❀ Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

I am really honored to be nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Amy from BlushingBeautea! Thank you for being so kind to always keep me involved in these blogging awards! Do check her out once again, she keeps her blog active regularly and I adore her down-to-earth writing style. :)

The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Answer their questions posted by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Think of a fresh 10 questions to ask your selected nominees (up to 10 nominees).

Questions from Amy:
1. What's your favorite book?
☆: Currently it's Norweigian Wood by Haruki Murakami! 
2. What's your favorite film/TV Show?
☆: My favorite TV show to exist ever would be American Horror Story series! As for favorite film... I have way too many but the most memorable film I've watched this year is The Grand Budapest Hotel! Amazing cinematography and it's quirky and interesting. ;)
3. What's your favorite soft drink?
☆: I don't really like carbonated drinks, but I can't quit bubble tea.. hello diabetes. 
4. When did you start blogging?
☆: 23rd October 2014! 
5. What's your dream travel destination?
☆: For now, I would really like to visit South Korea. It's such a beautiful country and they are known for their wide variety of Korean cosmetics!
6. Are you at/have been to university?
☆: I will be starting university in Jan' 2015! :)
7. Favourite high-street shop?
☆: From what's available in Singapore, I really like Stradivarius which originated from Spain! However, I really love brands like Motel Rocks, Dollskill but they're not available here in Singapore and shipping is expensive lol. (╥_╥)
8. Favourite coffee shop?
☆: Starbucks? :P
9. What are your aspirations?
☆: There are none really for now... but I do hope I can find something I would truly like to do soon! 
10. Skirt or trousers?
☆: I am not a very girly kind of girl and I do not own any skirts! So it will be trousers for me. :P

I am going to skip nominating anyone this time round as I can't think of any interesting questions and this award is pretty similar to the previous Liebster Award! I will be happy to do a tag post soon though! :) 



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